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History of the CATA

CATA is the certifying and governing body for Certified Athletic Therapists practicing in Canada. Established in April 1965 by a group of ATs working with professional hockey and football teams, CATA now represents almost 3000 members. We are dedicated to the advancement and growth of the Athletic Therapy profession through advocacy, education, and research. 


The video (right) is the first official CATA Conference. Do you see any faces or names you recognize? In this digitized 16mm film from the first CATA Annual Meeting you will see our first President Mert Prophet and Treasurer Stew Langdon.  Other founding members in the video are: Bob Haggart, Art Sargeant, Roy Archer, Ken Gow, Norm Mackie, Tom Naylor, Chuck Badcock, and John Moore, all of whom have a place in the CATA Hall of Fame as they were instrumental in the creation of our Association.

Have the taping procedures changed? Did you see the Zonas Tape (now a J&J product)... There is no sounds with this video so we have also included the first letter of interest as well as the CATA AGM Address in 1965 for you to read.

Our profession has come a long way and we have a lot to be grateful for. While the CATA has certainly evolved since our inception in 1965, one thing still holds true as a direct quote from the 1965 CATA AGM address:


“Our organization is only as strong as its membership and your guiding statement should be not what I can get from the CATA but rather what can I offer the CATA.”

Thank you to all our members that have contributed to this great profession!

First Official CATA Conference

First Letter of Interest

1965 CATA AGM Address


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