CATA Member Spotlight: Colin King, PhD, CAT(C)
Colin King PhD, CAT(C), is an Associate Professor and Athletic Therapist in the School of Kinesiology at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada. Colin’s main research interests include: exploring the impact of innovative pedagogies and multimedia technology in athletic therapy education, as well as concussion education and knowledge mobilization. He also enjoys integrating these two interests to design novel projects that focus on athletic therapy teaching and learning.
Currently, Colin is working on a project with Dr. Loriann Hynes (PhD, CAT(C), York University) to design an interactive online pedagogical tool that engages athletic therapy students in authentic concussion scenarios. This project, funded by the Maple League Innovative Pedagogies Fund, uses feedback from our previous work to design an interactive tool that enriches student learning. Experts from the field will help contribute to this tool by adding realistic contextual questions and scenarios to get the students to think about how they would approach similar situations in the real world. This is an important, yet missing component that is left out of many concussion education tools and traditional simulated practice. Once this tool has been developed, the next steps will be to run a validation study and then to explore its effectiveness in athletic therapy education. Ultimately, we would like to take this finalized product and design similar resources for other health professions in the future